Karten Design is excited to announce that Stuart Karten has joined the Aging Into the Future Advisory Board. In this role, Stuart will leverage his design-centric expertise to advance the mission of Los Angeles’ premier aging conference.

Aging Into the Future 2018 Conference
Friday, March 2nd, 2018
Millennium Biltmore Hotel
Click here to register

Aging Into the Future convenes the tech community with experts and professionals in the aging field, along with older adults and their caregivers, to explore and integrate technology’s power to transform the lives of older adults so they can lead healthier, independent and productive lives. Learn more here.

Aging Into The Future is currently seeking innovative tech companies to showcase, learn, network, and engage with the largest underserved community when it comes to technology. This is a unique opportunity to gain insight into the growing economic market that older adults represent and learn about the opportunities to engage with nonprofits, service providers, government agencies, older adults and their family caregivers. Learn more here.

Stuart Karten has spent years studying how design can positively impact the second half of life. Older Americans are not just growing in numbers; they’re also growing as a percentage of the population. Within the next 15 years, approximately 20% of the U.S. population will be Medicare-eligible. We’re undergoing a period of rapid change now, in society and in the healthcare system. Yesterday’s solutions cannot meet the needs of tomorrow’s population.

At Karten Design we believe we can design products and experiences that allow older adults to keep their independence, dignity, sense of self, and purpose as they age. We can design solutions that give them confidence, celebrate their achievements in life, and help them address limited care resources. Download Vol. 2 of our white paper series on designing innovative solutions for our aging population here.